Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I woke up 10:30 am! yay... Thus far I have eaten breakfast- 300 cal. Drank Tea and 32 oz. of Water. I drink a lot of water. It speeds up the metabolism, lends me energy, keeps my complexion clear,  hydrates- good breath :)

It is the third day of my period and I just inserted NuvaRing. It felt secure but I wonder what it will feel like during sex. If my boyfriend will be able to feel it. The good thing is you can take it out for up to 3 hours! So some couples choose to take this route during intercourse. Whatever, we'll give it a go.

I feel good today. Happy. Also, my first night of sleep in 4 months without nightmares! Finally.

Today I will read The Dharma Bums, illustrate my book, do laundry, and perhaps sew!
There are so many projects I would like to complete.

Until then...

it is then. And I have failed. Efffff.
I have eaten 2000 cal. worth of food (Family dinner- Cheesy Noodles & Ice Cream with /Brownie)
I didn't want it.
I wasn't bloated.
I just feel guilty.
Ashamed, that I let food take control over me.
Fuck that.
Tomorrow this will not happen.

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